Saturday, August 24, 2024

Light in August

 Voxel is a theater in Baltimore owned by the QLab folks.

I'm still doing some animation tests. 

I have presumably done everything I'm supposed to do for the ol' Doctorate from University of Salford. Now I'm just waiting for the board of post-graduate research or some such. That happens in late September so I figure I'll get transcripts and such in October. Graduation is in early December but I haven't seen any dates yet. 

Don't you threaten me with a good time. 

Puppet opera is going slower than I'd like. I think I may just have o'er worked myself and need a vacation. Which is an ironic thing to say for someone who doesn't have a job. 


Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Setup for Scene 2

Here was the setup of the puppet set for scene two. 

The Queen of Mars and the author. Picture by Irene Skricki. 

Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Puppet Days

A lovely couple days puppetting. Here we are setting up the puppet stage designed and built by Jarrod DiGiorgi. 

Do you want to watch almost 4 hours of the video camera feed on set? This is the camera and playback we used on the puppet stage. It weirdly seemed to have triggered some part of the algorhythmiathingamabob and had people watching it live. 

Creepy bug!

Look at some amazing things by our artists. Groove to the graphics of Heidi Herman. Check out the inspiring animations of Eric Dyer. Improve your life with looking at Ron Dee Productions. Dig Ben Stansbery. And get your Matt McG on

Kick line of puppet bankers. Our martini shot.

Things spoken of include Below, Hide and CreepEtymotic Music Pro Musicians Earplugs with Active Hearing Protection.

This was my animation setup for the backgrounds.

More coming!

Friday, August 02, 2024

Ready to Puppet

Today I'm off to shoot puppets in fabulous Bath, PA. Well, the actual shooting of puppets doesn't begin until Sunday but we're off to do pre-pro and walk the course, etc.

Gah. The Brave browser just won't let me upload images in Blogger. 

In the meantime,

Here To Record makes some interesting apps including a graphics-running program. "H2R Graphics Simple graphics for your next live production." 

KarinĂ© Poghosyan is an Armenian pianist. 

Matt McG is a puppeteer. 

Dig Mike Kessell's Batboy Comics. He's super awesome. 

That Bach cello suite? You know the one. It's this.

Dimenna Center is really one of the only places to record orchestras left in NYC.

Thursday, August 01, 2024

Notes to me

Okay nerds, listen up. Oh wait, I'm writing this to myself. Um. 

My modification of a meme.

Nerd thing number one. For theater sound nerdery. Canvas 2.0. Theater show control audio software. It does some very cool things with multitrack audio etc. And it's free. And it's on PC, Mac, and Linux. 

Downsides: it only works at 48kHz, and I can't get it to work on my computer. But it is very very cool you see. And it's just in beta. But it is very cool. It just doesn't work yet for me.

Oddly, nerd thing number two is that SFX is free now. It used to be, like, a gazillion dollars. I remember having to rent it before Qlab came along. 

OBS now has a "Hybrid MP4" output format which doesn't skunk the bed when there's a crash. I haven't tried it yet.

For quick media playback in television production there is H2R Graphics. I haven't tried it yet either.