This is a sign which Laura found in Palo Alto, CA.
I found out from Jason Fitzgerald of
One Dream Sound that the
Yamaha DM1000 mixer has a
card for
Aviom headphone mixing systems.
So, we could use a Yamaha DM1000 with one of the Aviom cards and one of the 8-channel analog input cards, and end up with the ability to have 5 foot mics on stage and create the submixes for the "orchestra" at the same time. That would be very helpful.
The Yamaha DM1000 takes care of most of our outboard processing needs too. Now let's start breaking down the entire systems to see what we'll need to rent (or hope that the venue will end up buying).
Input transducers
Band: Something nice for the cello. 1 (one) Neumann U87 or similar. Typically AKG 414's annoy me, but it might be best in this situation.
Maybe only a pair for percussion (the player "plays" to the mics) 2 (two) um, big-diaphragmed thingies. I dunno.
Actors: DPA or Sanken lavaliers. 11 of 'em.
Floor mics: 5 microphones Crown PZM or similar, possibly swapped out with Sanken CS1 or CS3 microphones for grabbing things upstage.
Now what I would
really dig is 8 channels of
John Hardy mic preamps. That would be for the cello, percussion, and 5 floor microphones. That would make things big, smooth and musical coming from the stage. Happiness would ensue. (The piano would go into a stereo
JDV direct box).
Wireless system
Lectrosonics Venue system with SM transmitters (11 channels). This is something I'm working on.
Mixing system
The Yamaha DM1000. The venue still might get one. We'll see.
Monitoring system
For the three musicians, the Aviom system mentioned above.
Output transducers
Hopefully we can use the venue's Apogee system(s). We may need something for sending the "orchestra" to the stage for the actors to hear.
IR listening for patrons
This should be provided for by the venue.
Communications systems
I forget if the venue has Comteks or RTS. But that should be provided by them.
Video monitoring
We don't know if we have any unique needs there.
Here's a new input list:
1. wx mic
2. wx mic
3. wx mic
4. wx mic
5. wx mic
6. wx mic
7. wx mic
8. wx mic
9. wx mic
10. wx mic b/u
11. wx mic b/u
12. computer sfx 1
13. computer sfx 2
14. cello
15. keyboard left
16. keyboard right
17. percussion left
18. percussion right
19. floor mic 1
20. floor mic 2
21. floor mic 3
22. floor mic 4
23. floor mic 5
And for outputs we need:
aux 1. zone 1
aux 2. zone 2
aux 3. zone 3
aux 4. zone 4
aux 5. zone 5
aux 6. zone 6
aux 7.
aux 8. full monitor mix for SM, IR feed, wherever else (lobby?)
buss 1.
buss 2.
buss 3. percussion left
buss 4. percussion right
buss 5. piano left
buss 6. piano right
buss 7. vocal-only mix for "band"
buss 8. cello