Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Puppet Days

A lovely couple days puppetting. Here we are setting up the puppet stage designed and built by Jarrod DiGiorgi. 

Do you want to watch almost 4 hours of the video camera feed on set? This is the camera and playback we used on the puppet stage. It weirdly seemed to have triggered some part of the algorhythmiathingamabob and had people watching it live. 

Creepy bug!

Look at some amazing things by our artists. Groove to the graphics of Heidi Herman. Check out the inspiring animations of Eric Dyer. Improve your life with looking at Ron Dee Productions. Dig Ben Stansbery. And get your Matt McG on

Kick line of puppet bankers. Our martini shot.

Things spoken of include Below, Hide and CreepEtymotic Music Pro Musicians Earplugs with Active Hearing Protection.

This was my animation setup for the backgrounds.

More coming!


Laura, Queen of Mars said...

I too enjoy my Etymotic earplugs.

foxfauxaux said...

what is this about?