Friday, December 06, 2024

Graduation pictures

 All photographs from the Queen of Mars.

Here I'm having breakfast at the university's coffee shop.

This is maybe the first time I went up the stairs, but they skipped over my name so I had to sit back down again while the staff added my name back to the list, making me walk at the very end rather than 3rd.

A closeup of Dr. Andrew Bellware. We don't know if this was the first time or the second time. 

I feel I look like a Picasso in this. I'm not sure why I'm so two-dimensional. 

I was very irked at this point. 

Still, there's one smiling picture of me:

Monday, December 02, 2024

I have my PhD now

Doctor Andrew Bellware with his official diploma from the University of Salford, having been awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.