Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Someone Else's Dream

See, you were living in a house with a bunch of other people. And in the basement was where you had a whole mechanical platform built for shooting. And we were sitting on the floor and a bug came crawling by and I said it's a silverfish, I'll smash it, give me a shoe. And you said no, get up, get out of the way. That's a liquid mouse. And I looked and it was more like a translucent shrimp undersea type creature but it was hinged in the middle. And you said that one of the teenagers you knew had created it and we should get out of the way. And sure enough, when it walked into the light it dissolved down into a tiny crystal. And then right away it sort of melted into this epoxy type glue and spread out and got all over everything. And I did get some on my fingers but I never found out what happened cuz the dream changed into something else at that point I think. Anyway: You know a teenager who created the liquid mouse.

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