Mirror is a plugin which faffs with the reported latency to a DAW to do reverse effects. I dunno if it's actually that useful, I think most DAWs have something like a macro which bliermergates files in reverse in a way that the process is more straightforward than it used to.
The Life Of An Agent: Secret Soviet police training films and Propaganda Cartoons
I'd like to groove you to Auburn Sounds -- I've been playing with their autotune-like plugin Grallion. Which is free, actually. Or, you can buy an upgrade it actually. But I've been using the free version as a VST2 plugin in OBS to autotune my very out-of-tune cello. As a live performance device.
And it totally works. Probably terrible for actually learning to play cello though. I do want fret lines on this thing.
Cello end with guitar tuners stuck where the pegs used to go. |
Anywhoo it's kinda interesting that they use the Dplug open-source framework for developing. This intrigues me.
I sent in my changes to my thesis today. We'll see if/how many are accepted. My brain is basically a puddle of mush.