Thursday, November 20, 2014

SDTTFSS series 1 episode 1

    The first episode of Sound Design Tips and Tricks for Screen and Stage wherein we answer the question of what to do when you need sound to come from somewhere on the stage. Ien DeNio was essentially the knowledge base around this episode. Here are the notes for the episode (these were my notes that I was working from in raw, unedited format.)

  1. There's a phone ring or computer sound that's supposed to be coming from the stage. It sounds dumb coming from the speakers overhead. What can I do on an unlimited budget, and what can I do to fake it?

The right (old-fashioned) way:
IFB and squawk box

The more recent hack is to use a baby monitor.
Ien’s favorite baby monitor to mod is the Sony NTM-910

Yea, the black wire was just something I had lying around.. a crap speaker 1/8" input jack or something.. so I hacked it off, pulled the red and white lines that went to the little microphone and connected them up. I didn't even solder this one... its just wrapped and taped
2014-11-18 (2).jpg
2014-11-18 (1).jpg
Photo on 3-6-14 at 12.39 PM.jpg
Also: walkie-talkies can be used.

Note that like all wireless things you can have trouble with taxicabs and other radio interference.

“It works best, I've found, if you throw up a dedicated wireless connection sans internet, connect the phone and computer to that.”

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