Sunday, April 16, 2017

My to-do list

The Russian word for "alert" or "warning" is Предупреждение apparently.

I'm working on the following projects:
  1. Carbon Copy -- after three sets of reshoots we hopefully have the final movie in the can. It has to be done by the 24th. 
  2. Oblivion (many vfx still need to be created)
  3. Dragon Movie (animated)
  4. Novel -- The Man Who Destroyed The Earth (being edited now)
  5. Opera (The Imaginary Opera)
  6. Alien Sky (our next movie which does not have a script)
That's pretty much the order of those projects. But I have other co-requisite projects which need to be done for my own well-being.

A handbook of how we make movies. Like a real and actual book.
A web-series about how we make movies.

A Baritone electric guitar (honestly I thought I might be done today but I won't be.)
A Telecaster-style electric guitar with a Bigsby-style tremolo.
A Telecaster-style electric guitar with P-90's (maybe?) and a hard tail. Semi-hollow-body

A ribbon microphone with a wooden body
A U47-style microphone with a wooden body

There's an exotic wood place over on the other side of Journal Square. I had no idea.


Joe Falcon said...

Carbon copy has been the most problematic movie you've done. So much so I didn't even know you were doing Oblivion, let alone what that movie is. The only news I get it from your blog.

Dragon movie?

Alien Sky, a movie title is a glass half full.

Though your plate looks overloaded.


Andrew Bellware said...

I'm totally overloaded. ;-)