My new addiction is to sunlight. A single point-source light which is as bright as... well... the
It's completely uncontrollable, unpredictable (due to clouds), and God's electrics department
never goes into overtime -- when the shop steward calls "sunset" and "darkness" no amount of persuasion by the producer will get them to keep the sun going for "just 15 more minutes while we get this shot".
But oh... Oh what it looks like! And how it streams through windows with its perfectly straight beams. Oh oh oh!
Here's Kathleen Kwan being blessed by some of that self same light as an elevator closes on her hopes and dreams as Athena in
Angry Planet.
And now:

What, you don't like
LOL cats?
wrong with you?
In any case, you might very well be interested in an album of photographs by the wonderful actor and photographer Jef Betz.
And if you're teaching lighting, I just ran into this
interesting post which simply shows front, front diffused, back, and side - lighting.