Thursday, March 06, 2014

Spiders and Guns

Procrastination. So this whole thing started because Brian Schiavo showed me this radio-controlled spider. WARNING. Spider. Do not watch video of mecha-spider unless you want to see large mecha-spider. The fact is that spider would be excellent in some upcoming movies provided it can walk on sand. I'm afeared it can't. But this brought me to Han Solo's blaster. Here's a weird thing about why it's so hard to replicate: apparently even in the original Star Wars they used multiple versions which were slightly different. And then good grief. It's all about the Blade Runner gun. Everybody loves this gun. Actually, I'm not so into that particular prop. Now if someone were to make a working Logan's Run gun...


Kangas said...

That spider robot is crazy. The future will be scary. Those other gun videos are too long,even though I wouldn't mind owning both those props guns(the best version of each, natch!)

Andrew Bellware said...

The spider disturbs me.
There's even MORE on the Bladerunner gun. Sheesh...

Fungus the Photo! said...

If you attach large enough floats, the spider will walk on water, never mind sand!