I don't even feel the need to blog anymore. I'm just going to steal from Josh James. I even stole this picture from him.
We're greenlighting this screenplay. Don't ask me why I think it's so brilliant -- it just is somehow... Josh has an ear for good character names. (And don't think I don't think that the remake-sequel is a brilliant idea... because... it just is...)*
I'm thinking the remake sequel to Total Recall...
*Sure, the screenplay is completely unrealistic, because I'd greenlight Lesbian Cannibal Porn Stars without a moment's hesitation.
Josh's screenplay is awesome. And I'm with you on Lesbian Cannibal Porn Stars -- let me know if I can help out with that production.
See Josh? There's a consortium of producers who want into this picture!
That's an in joke, that Bellware wouldn't want a Ron Howard film about Lesbian Cannibal Porn Stars, heh-heh . . . I'm glad you loved it, dude . . .
Now if I can only get Ron and Grazer to return my damn phone calls . . .
interestingly enough, they was a reference to a remake sequel to THE BAD NEWS BEARS originally, then of course, they MADE a remake sequel to BAD NEWS BEARS and I had to change it -
See, I got vision, see? LOL!
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