Friday, June 29, 2012

Arbitrary Carbohydrates in 3D

I have a Reddit Arbitrary Day 2012 giftee and I can't find a simple wooden Chinese box in Chinatown. I thought it would be more fun to put my gifts in one. But I can't find one.
As it turns out, Atkins works. But it's dangerous. And all of the "avoid hyper-processed carbs" is the way to go.

I've been experimenting with NutriSystem. It's cheap. The food is OK. I just wish there were a way for me to tick a "no green peppers" box so that I could get stuff w/o green (or red) peppers. Plus I'm not a fan of shakes. But it's easy to order without shakes.
Jim Tierney on movies looking like videogames.

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