Remember when I said I wanted a geared head? I still want one. But still, six thousand bucks is a LOT to spend on a head. That's 3/4 of the cash budget of an entire feature. Now six hundred bucks would be more my style, and it's not that I don't realize that it's a specialty piece of gear with a relatively limited audience but still...
Oh, and if you didn't read the comment by "Anonymous" (which is where you always get the best information on the Internet anyway), it turns out that they're leasable at $300 a month.
"CineToys, the company which makes the GearNex is offering a leasing application by requesting one at Once you fill it out and approved, you can notify them what dealer you wish to buy it from and they can arrange delivery for you."
Still, I wish it were cheaper. It's pretty hard to amortize the cost of the geared head over anything short of 10 movies.
We do certainly need a better dolly. Right now I have this little homemade skateboard dolly which runs on PVC track. Honestly, it works pretty well for what it is and how much it was (a couple hundred dollars for "Wally Wheels") but we could use something more robust to ride on. And yeah, OK, it's still a real pain to pan while dollying -- making the argument that a geared head would make even a cheap dolly look great.
I have to pull the trigger on shooting Earthkiller. Because of sets difficulties I haven't been able to schedule it, but I'm going to split up the schedule so that we can shoot it and we're just a-gonna go! More about that... soon.
I have the same dolly! Funny. I ended up getting a Glidecam vest/arm for FOC1 so we ended up using that most of the time.
I bought 3 pan/tilt heads for $30 like 6 years ago. They're rough(only 3 speeds), and you have a cord attached to them with the remote control, but it's much cheaper than the gearheads...(I sold one on eBay for $40 like a year later...)
Have you tried getting a cheap pan/tilt head? Not sure how complicated the moves are you're trying.
I'm not really going for complicated -- the trick for me is: how well do the pan/tilt heads start and stop? Is that fairly smooth?
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