Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Gratuitous Felinity

Our distributor is concerned about any nudity in Clonehunter. The problem is those dang kiosks in grocery stores. Nobody minds if you have a gristly brutal and bloody murder in your movie but they'll absolutely throw a conniption fit if there's the possibility of naked people in the picture. 

So I'm seeing what we can get away with. Can this shot stay in the picture? Sure, we have a gratuitous digital cat in there and all but...


DAVID FREY said...

Oh boy, the image of a naked woman playing with her cat leaves room for sooooo many terrible and filthy jokes.

should I... Nah, they're too obvious.

Andrew Bellware said...

Wait. I don't get it. Cat? Is there a naked woman in the cat's lap?

Kangas said...

I don't get it--is this in the trailer? How would a digital kiosk show the actual movie? I don't understand...distributors LIKE nudity...

Andrew Bellware said...

The problem is kiosks outside of supermarkets. You know, like... oh I don't remember the name. They has them some problems with the nudity.


Kangas said...

Nudity IN THE MOVIE? So they don't rent any movie that contains nudity? Uh...I've never heard of that. Redbox has plenty of movies with nudity...

Andrew Bellware said...

I think our distributor is not getting an MPAA rating on the picture and Redbox is skittish about indy titles with nudity. Everyone is more skittish about indy titles, of course. Meh.