Tuesday, August 03, 2010

I'm a Power Load

It's How To Build A Powerloader Day over at Tim Shrum's place. Part two. Seems like a reasonable way to make an armored spacesuit too.

Finally, Mel Gibson quote T-shirts. You should get me one. Why? Because I deserve it.

Actually, dear Lord, I have way too many T-shirts 'cause of my predilections toward buying Tyrannosaurus Mouse T-shirts.

We have to costume... 16?... people on Saturday. 9 of those are zombies so they're getting blue jumpsuits. But the others? Egads!

1 comment:

DAVID FREY said...

I want to make a powerloader suit sooooo bad. I saw the Indy Mogal version, but that's not enough. I need to find some space to work in.