Sunday, March 24, 2013

Moron Stills

I mean, more, on stills.

Here's the basic instructions on what we need in the way of art for the movie. This came from our rep but it's pretty good advice for what to look for in order to make sure you'll have something for cover art, one-sheets, and posters.

10-15 poses of the principal talent on some sort of green/blue screen. Please make sure that it is flatly lit with out stylized lighting or depth of field.
Additionally, 15-20 hi res screen grabs from the movie.

So that's what we're going for. And now you know.
The schedule, archaic, for Android Masquerade. Generated from Celtx. This schedule has no basis in reality.
Tomorrow we make the first of the delivery items for Creature: Returns. I know, it's pretty early, but a teaser needs to be created.  So I'm sending off all of the stills of the picture as well as a Quicktime version of the entire picture.

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