So my dad asked me the other day what my plan was to make some real money. Ha! To me what was interesting was that he immediately threw that question back at himself to say "How did I finally start making money?"
For many years he'd struggled to keep his company going. But eventually he started becoming known for doing stuff which nobody else could do. The quality of the fabrication which his company can do now simply can't be matched by too many people.
So for Pandora Machine this is still a legitimate question. What are we going to do? Will it be by making superior sci-fi films for very very low budgets? That's the direction we're going in. Will we have an actual "fan base"? Not 'till we move our visual effects up one whole notch in quality, but we're moving that way.
However I think that indeed it may be impossible to rationally figure out what the niche is that will start making "real money". There's no way, looking back, to have foreseen what it is that you'd end up being known for doing and therefore be able to get paid.
Sure, there's plenty of anecdotes about "so-and-so did such-and-such and they made a GAZILLION DOLLARS" however anecdotes aren't data, they're just the noisy part of the signal. I do hope that when I figure it out how to make money before the time I'm 65, like my dad was. ;-) In the meantime I think that I do have a business plan which will keep us alive, but by no means swimming in cash. Let's see how the AFM goes. ;-)
Make better movies for less money. Sounds like a plan to me.
So it's a profit game! ;-)
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