Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Project Management

Do you know what's really exciting? Project management.
Trello isn't working for me. Basecamp doesn't allow for dependencies.

This picture from Android Insurrection amuses me greatly. That's David Ian Lee and Jeff Wills.
I'm also putting together information about where we might move. Nobody will come to Jersey City. It doesn't matter if it's actually easier for them to get to than other places. But frankly, for Rebecca and Maduka, Williamsburg and Greenpoint actually are closer for them.
Wix has a free space in Union Square. A free open-space office?
Greenpoint Coworking is $350/month.
Work At The Yard has private offices for $400/month
Missionfifty is in Hoboken. So except for the fact that not one of my editors will ever come there, it seems cool (they also have about zero information on their own website so I was looking here.)
Submerse.me has space in midtown.
Projective Space is worth visiting. They're in Soho.
Imrey Culbert also rents space.


Jeff said...

I'd just like to point out the phenomenal multi-tasking that I'm accomplishing here:
1) Acting as off-screen com hook/base/thingy;
2) On-book for Mr. David Ian Lee; and
3) Looking somehow worried, perpetually.

Good luck with the space, gorgeous.

joe said...

i need office space in NYC!

Andrew Bellware said...

Jeff: yes, I am quite amused by the multitudity of your tasks. And I thank you.
Joe: Ooh. Yes. Yes you should have office space in NYC. We'll find a place!

joe said...

i'm being serious, dude! i need a place there to allow me to stretch my video production tendrils into the Big Apple.

Andrew Bellware said...

Me too!
I'm looking at a place tomorrow night. Wanna come to Williamsburg? ;-)

joe said...

i'm in a trial til friday - sigh - so it might be difficult for me to make it tomorrow. are you checking out The Yard? it seems cool. aren't you splitting rent with Maduka and someone else? are they going to continue onto a new place?